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Impact of kanyathon

Kanyathon has helped over 3 lakh girls all over the country in education and health. Kanyathon for the past 10 years has seen a footfall growth from 600 registrations to 10000+ registrations and donations amounting to Rs. over 40 lakhs.

Through the funds generated from Kanyathon, we aim to empower young girls in rural India with supplementary skills which is a pivotal step towards transforming the circumstances of their families. By equipping these girls with education, vocational training, and various skill sets, we pave the way for economic independence and social empowerment. These skills not only enhance their personal development but also enable them to contribute significantly to their families' livelihoods. Moreover, these empowered girls often become agents of change in their communities, inspiring others and fostering a cycle of progress that uplifts entire families and villages. Thus, investing in the education and skill development of young rural girls in India is not just an investment in their futures but a transformative tool that can break the cycle of poverty.

  • Kanyathon Shiksha Kendra is a digitally enabled classroom to educate children in English, computer literacy, hygiene, and etiquette. The objective of Kanyathon is to educate girls in vital skills like English speaking, digital literacy and awareness of health and hygiene. The five Kanyathon Shiksha Kendras are being monitored using funds sourced from Kanyathon. Among these, three are in Kolar villages, one in Thirupalya (Electronic City), and another in Jamrung, Karjat, Maharashtra.
  • The 5 Kanyathon Shiksha Kendras are integrated into Government Schools, accommodating students from grades 6 to 9, totaling 300 students across these Kendras.
  • Within the Government school premises, a designated room has been furnished with digital essentials such as computers, speakers, internet connectivity, along with provisions for books, pens, stationery, shoes, and classroom furniture. Efforts are also directed towards enhancing their outdoor area for engaging in physical activities.
  • We will be building new bathrooms for girls, renovating classrooms, and building sports facilities in these government schools with funds from 2024.
  • College students are actively involved in teaching these students, conducting two days of in-person classes and two days of online sessions every month, supplemented by providing laptops and teaching material for enhanced learning assistance.
  • The curriculum for these Shiksha Kendras focuses on English language proficiency, digital literacy, and health and hygiene education.
  • The Shiksha Kendra in Thirupalya, Electronic City is already operational.
  • Through fundraising endeavors, the aim is not only to sustain the existing Kendras but also to establish more centers in villages surrounding our campuses.
  • Initiating scholarships for deserving girls, the first step has been taken by supporting seven girls from sex worker backgrounds in partnership with the NGO, Mumbai Smiles. The funding encompasses their school uniforms, books, and education in English, computer skills, and other vocational training.
  • Additionally, Kanyathon-derived funds have been utilized to provide education to economically weaker section (EWS) girls. Seven girls from IFIM College, Bangalore, and six girls from VijayBhoomi University, Karjat, have already received such scholarships. We are identifying other meritorious girls in the villages of our KSKs to provide scholarships for college.
  • Summer Camp was conducted by IFIM team in the month of May where children actively participated in Spoken English, Cultural Activities.
  • 13 Children meetings have been conducted in all the villages in the community where the importance of education was discussed with them along with their parents as well as ensured that all children go to school without any dropouts. There is zero drop out in 5 villages because of our campaigning effort in the last one year.
  • Health Camp was conducted by JAGSoM team in the month of July where 415 members including children were benefitted by this camp. The Camp was held in Vakkaleri PHC and Shettikothanur Sub Centre.
  • Our IFIM Law School has set up a Legal Aid Centre in Kolar to educate the villagers on their rights and to aid women to get legal aid.