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March 3, 2024. Bangalore & Mumbai

13th Edition

Welcome to Kanyathon

Kanyathon, an annual charity run organized by the students of our prestigious IFIM Institutions, and JAGSoM, is back with its 13th edition this year and the 3rd edition of Kanyathon at Vijaybhoomi University. We, as an institution have been giving back to society, especially to empower the women of the nation. The mission of Kanyathon is to empower women and girls. We plan to achieve this through our own education center called KANYATHON SHIKSHA KENDRA. Kanyathon Shiksha Kendra is a skill-building center established in five of our adopted villages to educate and empower the young generation of rural areas. Kanyathon student team has pledged to use every penny acquired from the charity run and other events for the well-being of women and children of this nation. So, participate and help us in this noble cause!!

Click here for more details.
Over the past decade, Kanyathon has positively impacted the education and health of more than 300,000 girls nationwide. During this period, Kanyathon has experienced remarkable growth, witnessing an increase in footfall from 600 registrations to over 10,000 registrations. Additionally, donations exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs have been contributed towards this cause.

Kanyathon Impact

Societal Impact of Kanyathon

0 Contributions  
0 Villages Adopted (Kolar)  
0 Kanyathon Shiksha Kendra (4 in Bangalore + 1 in Jambrung Village, Mumbai)
0 Lives changed                                                                                              
Click here for more details.

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